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  • Luca Mazzon


The Yager Code is a treatment method that has been scientifically researched and clinically well-tested for over 40 years, through which even pronounced, deeply rooted, psychosomatic health problems, conflicts and emotional blocks can be permanently resolved in a short time.

This method was founded by Prof. Dr. Edwin Yager (Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical School of the University of California, USA), who proved that the Yager Code could achieve high effectiveness in the following psychogenic diseases and disorders (Average improvement in %; Source: Edwin Yager, The Yager Therapy, 2015, pp. 214-215):

Anxiety: 82 - 87% depending on type.

Psychosomatic disorders such as asthma: 84%, gastrointestinal: 75%, pain: 75%, other: 87%.

Mood: 82 %; of which anger: 83 %, depression: 79 %, guilt: 74 %.

Sleep disorders: 82 %.

Sexual disorders: 97%; of which vaginismus:100%, erectile dysfunction: 93%.

Mental addictions: 94%; of which smoking: 99%,

The Yager Code, is suitable for everyone, even for people who do not want to or cannot talk about their problem. It is a short-term therapy with a treatment duration of usually 2 - 4 sessions (it may vary depending on the issue).

Moreover this can be very effective in resolving conflicts or emotional blocks even in non-pathological situations, or such as in difficulties of expression and/or uncomfortable situations. The Yager Code, also initially called "Subliminal therapy",uses a third higher level of consciousness that is responsible for healing and is also called inner intelligence (Centrum). Every human being has this inner intelligence and can be perceived, for example, as a gut feeling or intuition. In the therapy process, this level is guided through a sequence of logical questions to release old conditioning and to initiate healing on the emotional and psychological level.

© Dott. Mazzon Luca *

Dipl. Mus., M. Mus., B. Sc., M. Sc. Psy.

*I contenuti presenti sul blog "Performance: between Music and Psychology"– dei quali è autore il proprietario del blog Luca Mazzon – non possono essere copiati, riprodotti, pubblicati o redistribuiti perché appartenenti all’autore stesso. E’ vietata la copia e la riproduzione dei contenuti in qualsiasi modo o forma. E’ vietata la pubblicazione e la redistribuzione dei contenuti non autorizzata espressamente dall’autore.


Yager, E.K. Subliminal Therapy: A Manual for Clinicians. (In press) San Diego: Subliminal Therapy Institute, Inc., 2010.

Yager E. (2015). The Yager Therapy,


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